Ms. Lamise Aly Negm

Ms. Lamise Aly Negm

CSR Advisor to the Central Bank of Egypt Governor Head of sustainable Development Committee at the Federation of Egyptian Banks
Ms. Lamise Negm has more than 35 years of experience in the banking and social responsibility field, and is one of the most Prominent Economists in Egypt and the Middle East.

Ms. Lamise Negm joined Central Bank of Egypt on November 2017 as CSR Advisor to the Governor.

In addition to her assumption of the presidency of the Sustainable Development Committee at the Federation of Egyptian Banks, which is one of the permanent committees of the Federation, its goal is to activate the social responsibility of banks and participate in the development of the society in which they operate, within a joint collective framework within a clear strategy and plans with specific goals, emphasizing the importance of communication between the banking system and society. Ms. Lamise is the head of the Sustainable Development Committee in the Federation of Egyptian Banks since July 2020.

Ms. Lamise Negm is the first woman to be appointed to the Board of Directors of the Misr for Central Clearing Depository and Registry (MCDR), and it is the largest financial institution whose mission is to carry out clearing activities and settle financial transactions that take place on securities on the stock exchange and implement the central holding system for securities.

Lamise Negm grew up in a banking family, as she is the daughter of the late Aly Negm, the former governor of the Central Bank (Sheikh of Bankers). She started her banking career since she was a student at Ain Shams University, where she trained and then joined the BCCI (Bank of Credit & Commerce International) – which later merged with Banque Misr in 1992.

She joined Citibank – Egypt in 1993 and gradually worked at Citibank Group until she became Vice President of Government Relations

During her work with Citibank, she has participated since 2008 in many activities in the field of social responsibility, and she has found her need, as it combines banking and social and humanitarian work.

She was also a member of the Sustainable Development Committee of the Federation of Egyptian Banks in 2014 until she assumed its presidency in 2020.

She worked as an advisor to the Governor of the Central Bank of Egypt in the field of social responsibility in 2017. Through her work, she was able to create channels of communication to coordinate between all local banks operating in the Egyptian market to support all levels and segments of society.

In addition to her membership in the Sustainable Development Committee in the Egyptian Stock Exchange since the beginning of 2021 until now.

In December 2021, she joined each of, Board of Directors of the Center for Public Service and Social Development at Ain Shams University, and the Committee of Social Responsibility of the Eastern Company.

In June 2022, she became a member of the Board of Directors and Chairman of the Audit and Governance Committee of the Abu Dhabi Islamic (ADI) Consumer Finance Company

In addition to membership on the Board of Directors of the Arab Financial Services Company for Financial Consultations (AFS), which is one of the leading companies in the field of payments and financial technology, which provides its services to banking and non-banking institutions.

In addition to her membership in many non-profit organizations and institutions:

• Enactus Foundation – one of the organizations that are present in (37) countries, including 1730 universities around the world. The number of participating universities within the Arab Republic of Egypt reached (53) universities, representing a partnership between university students, university leaders and businessmen

• Injaz Egypt – an institution that provides opportunities for participatory education in the field of financial culture for work and entrepreneurship, and its goal is to activate the ability of school students to engage in achieving their economic growth

• Ahl Masr – the first development institution in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa, concerned with issues of prevention and treatment of burns free of charge

• The Egyptian Business Angels Network “Malikah” – Is the first association to support and care for investors in the medium, small and micro enterprises sector to contribute to advancing the national economy.

• Member of the “Future Pioneering Women” program, which includes elite leaders and is the first qualitative program between the government and the private sector for leadership in various sectors of the state.

• She is currently participating in the “Female Mentorship Program”, which is organized by the World Bank in cooperation with the Central Bank, which aims to train and guide women in order to enhance their future career and prospects for development.

• Education First Foundation: A civil society institution specialized in the field of education aimed at supporting public education in Egypt and adopting and nurturing outstanding students.

• Food Bank Association: The first neutral Egyptian charitable organization specialized in combating hunger, funded by zakat funds, alms and donations that are professionally converted into services and programs to provide healthy food and a safe life opportunity for the beneficiaries, whose impact on their lives is measured in a scientific way.

• Professional Development Foundation (PDF): aims to activate work in the field of human resources development to create a civil society capable of increasing economic growth in Egypt, raising the social level and enhancing global competitiveness.

• Mervat Sultan Charitable Foundation: The Foundation works to provide all social, health, cultural and educational services.

She has been awarded from various institutions for her efforts and the success of her professional and practical journey in various fields
• She was chosen among the 50 Most Influential Women in the Egyptian Economy in 2015 to achieve exceptional successes in the field of work and make decisive and influential decisions.

• In honor of her efforts and excellence, she was awarded the Nevine Lotfy Award as one of the best banking personalities in 2017.

• She received the Excellence Award from the Egyptian Association for the Advancement of Persons with Disabilities and Autism in 2018 for her efforts to support people with disabilities.

• The Egyptian woman’s necklace was presented to her during her honor at the Egyptian Women’s Forum 2020, and the honor is the largest for Egyptian women in all fields of humanity, practical life and social responsibility.

• Honored as one of the top 50 inspiring and influential women in Egyptian life and society for the year 2020 within the list of Smart Vision Company for achieving exceptional successes in the field of work and making critical and influential decisions.

• She received the award for the best Arab woman in the field of social responsibility during the activities of the Arab Forum for Social Responsibility.

• She received the Excellence Award for her efforts in preserving women’s health from the Arab Administrative Development Organization of the League of Arab States during the activities of the Arab Forum for Women’s Health.

• In 2021, she was honored during the Egyptian Women’s Forum organized by Smart Vision. She also received the “FEBPR AWARDS 100” at the Conference on the Future of Digital Transformation and Economic Growth in MENA Countries, which was organized by F.E.B.P.R for Development and Consultancy.

• In 2022, she received the Shield of Excellence from Mansoura University for her efforts in providing support for the establishment of a Center specialized in Liver Transplantation. She was also honored at the Micro-Insurance Conference within the Financial Inclusion and Sustainable Framework, which was organized by Insurance Federation of Egypt IFE, in Luxor.

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